What is the least empathetic thing someone has ever said to you?
“Well Fanie, that’s life.” I was told after, at the age of 11, I watched a car run over a cat on a highway by a car. (Just for some background context this was in a rural area in Southern Greece back in the 90’s). Thanks! I feel much better. Right?!!! What a […]
Resiliency : Use with Caution
Cheerleader: “You are SO resilient…nothing can take you down!” Recipient’s inner voice: I can’t keep going like this Cheerleader: “I would have cried for days…I wish I were as resilient as you are” Recipient’s inner voice: I cry myself to sleep every night. Cheerleader: “You went through all that and you are still standing! That […]
Not part of the “Helping Profession?” How about: We are ALL in A Helping Profession
Not part of the “Helping Profession?” How about: We are ALL in A Helping Profession Are you in the “helping profession”? I’m curious. How might you respond to this question? Or how have you responded to this question in the past? How do you feel about your response? Let’s start with a conversation I […]
An Exercise for Letting Go. Are you Ready?
An Exercise for Letting Go. Are you Ready? “I just can’t get over that they cheated on me 4 years ago. It’s all I see when I look at him.” “My parents were never there for me. Why do you think I am the way I am?” “My brother had it way easier than I […]
Grief Inoculation: It doesn’t work: 4 Things to do Instead
No, all the anticipatory and preliminary grieving you do now, will not make the journey and feelings of loss when the time comes any less painful. There is no bypassing the grieving process…no matter how hard you try. I coach clients during their grieving and through these conversations and personal experiences it has been my […]
Look to the Feline! The “Curious Cat” Technique for Emotional Self-Regulation.
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom” -Viktor E. Frankl Hands up if you have ever experienced a time when, after some reflection, you just did not feel right about how you handled a […]
Are you coping your life away?
Meet your Coach: Moments of Intimacy from the Heart of a Life Coach
When people ask me what I do for work and I say a “Life Coach”, I often get this assumption that I have found some perfect way of living. Of Being. Whatever that means to them. Well, this is not the case for me (I do not want to speak on behalf of other Life […]
Give yourself a Gift: A Breath of Fresh Air and a Self-Soothing Thought
Ok.So this is where things are at. You are aware that you are not where you want to be in your life. Or maybe not who you want to be. Maybe you have accepted it. And maybe you are doing something about it. Maybe not. Maybe things are not OK. Okay. But right NOW, […]
Grief and Loss: How to Support someone in Grief AND take care of YOU at the same time
Grief and Loss: How to Support someone in Grief AND take care of YOU at the same time “How do I support a loved one who has lost someone?” “What do I say?” “What do I do?” “What if I feel its too much for me?” Have you had someone you know experience a loss and then […]