Professional Background & Experience

I am a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). a Certified Grief Educator from David Kessler’s Grief Educator Certification program with an educational  background in Psychology (BA, UBC), Counselling (Child and Youth Counselling Diploma), and Career Development (Certified Career Development Practitioner, SFU) with several years of experience in youth counselling, student advising and career advising. I fell in love with the  coaching component of my jobs and found the background in Psychology and  Counselling to compliment this well.  Through Career Coaching I realized that you cannot separate career from the rest of your life and often ended up coaching a wide variety of areas so……

I implemented my own Career Development plan: I got my Certification in Life Coaching and I  have been working as a Life Smart Coach Service Provider in Employee Family and Assistance programs for over 7 years as well as 1:1 coaching in areas including stress and anxiety management, career development, grief and loss, relationships and communication, mental and emotional wellness, elder care and family support, parenting and pre-retirement planning.

With my experience in Grief and Loss Coaching over the last several years  I knew I wanted to provide specific services in Grief and Loss in a coaching and educating capacity and obtained training, as a Certified Grief Educator. I also received my Certification of Completion of the Volunteer Hospice and Palliative Care Training  program from the Vancouver Hospice Society and am honored and humbled  to be a Volunteer in their bereavement and hospice services.

 I like to use a variety of techniques and strategies, drawing from multiple areas from both coaching and counselling theories and models, depending on the client’s situation. I use a solution-focused, client -centered and holistic approach. I have my certification in Cognitive Behavioural Life Coaching and use concepts from CBT, self-determination, emotional intelligence, positive psychology, appreciative inquiry, acceptance and commitment therapy  among with a few others!

In addition to this I am also certified in administering the MBTI Step 1 and 2, Strong Interest Inventory and most recently the EQi 2.0 and EQ 360!

As I believe in lifelong learning and nurturing self-actualization, self-transcendence and cultivating a strong eudaimonic state of well-being, I am now starting my Positive Psychology Coaching Certification through MentorCoach!

I’ll keep you posted…..!


On a personal Note....Who are you talking to?

I’d like to start by responding to an assumption, maybe myth, I tend to notice as a reaction to saying I am a Life Coach.

No, I have not “figured it all out” – whatever that means.  I actually don’t believe you ever reach a point of “figuring it all out”.

It may feel uncomfortable but sometimes you just have to figure out now, not the whole journey. Or accept, lean into and  tolerate the discomfort of not knowing. Sometimes that may mean grounding yourself and starting with noticing if your feet are on the ground!

Been there!

I am communicating this as I want to share that yes; I have the professional background and experience  to be a Life Coach AND I am also…a being…just like you are. I seek coaching too:)

For a successful coaching partnership, there HAS to be connection.

I am a big supporter of Brene Brown’s work and her emphasis on the power of vulnerability, necessary to breed connection.

My education and experience provide me with competency and credibility.

But for coaching to work there needs to be connection. This does not get established with credentials, or at least not solely on credentials:). This comes through conversation and the coaching process and….vulnerability.

If you are going to share some of your unique journey and experience with me, it may help you to understand who you are talking to.

So. Here goes….Sometimes I feel lost. Sometimes I feel stuck. Sometimes I need someone to hold me accountable to reach my goal. Sometimes I feel sad. Sometimes I feel down about myself. Sometimes I let negative and anxious thoughts take over. I create many stories in my head!  I practice emotional self- regulation everyday and struggle with self-compassion (working on it AND I do help coach others to build self-compassion!). I have failed and fallen flat. I have loved and been rejected. Hurt and been hurt. Forgiven others and been forgiven.

I can connect because I haven’t “figured it all out” .

But! No matter where and in what situation I find myself in, I believe there is always a way forward-through pathways, goals and personal agency.

“There is Hope.I get it-sometimes even that seems lost and far away. Sometimes it can take time to find it. But no one can ever take hope  away from you unless you let them, or let yourself “

Finding a way forward on your own can be dark, confusing and seem improbable. But you don’t have to do it all alone. That’s where I hope to help and support you.

You have to start somewhere and maybe trying a coaching session is where its at.

What DO I believe?

That change is inevitable but growth, now that’s a choice. Where there is chaos, there is opportunity. Where there is transition, there is life. What lies between reaction and stimulus, is space. Put it all together, We have Space, Opportunity…and Life. What you choose to do with it, how you choose to SEE it, BE it, FEEL it and EXPERIENCE it, that’s up to you.

I look forward to meeting you.

Affiliations/Certifications And related training

BA, Psychology-UBC

Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF)

Certified Career Development Practitioner with the BC Career Development Organization

Certified Employment Strategist, Certified Work-Life Strategist, Certified Career Strategist all with the Career Professional of Canada

Certified Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step 1 &2 Practitioner, Certified  Strong Interest Inventory Practitioner

Level B Certified,

Certified Grief Educator from David Kessler Training

CBT Life Coach, Transformation Academy

Vancouver Hospice Society Palliate Care Training, VHS

EQ i-2.0 and EQ 360 Certified

Positive Psychology Coaching Certification (currently enrolled!)

As Your Coach

I do not have the power to change your life, but YOU do and I believe the real transformation happens not within our 1-hour appointments but all the effort and work you put into it outside the sessions.

What will I do? I may encourage you to explore a place you have never explored before. It may feel scary. It may feel uncomfortable. But it may be where you need to go to get to where you want to be. That’s up to you.

I believe you have and are what it takes to be and get to solve and cope with your problems, create a pathway to your goals, and identify and challenge your fears.

As you Coach, no matter what service you choose, you can expect me to:

  • Ask you questions in order to guide you to an answer
  • Encourage deep thoughts and reflection about where you are at NOW and the changes you want to make.
  • Encourage you to challenge your thoughts by identifying and challenging inconsistencies.
  • Support you through difficult decisions.
  • Assist you with creating, following and maintaining your personalised plan of action
  • Help you to create and establish goals and develop strategies and reach your goals.
  • Provide you with psychoeducation ((appropriate tools and resources) to support your course of action 
  • Ensure a safe and trusting space for you, without judgement – a place to be heard and understood, with referral if/a s necessary to outside/more appropriate services
  • Use a variety of techniques and tools t support you including concepts from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Appreciative Inquiry, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

let's Get Started

Appointments can be done via Zoom, Skype or telephone. All appointments start with an initial 30 minute free consultation over phone.

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