Before you give up on yourself: A note of inspiration, from a Turtle in Athens!
A note of inspiration, from a Turtle in Athens! I like to write. Behind the scenes. But posting videos? I haven’t really explored that much. Ok-at all lol. Not my preferred mode of expression and communication, but open to it! Why tell you this? Well, for me to post a video–it’s got to really infiltrate my […]
Going Through a Tough Time? How to 3-P Your Mindset to Get Through a Challenging Situation
No, I am not referring to the 3 Ps of what is allowed to be flushed down your toilet (Just in case you don’t know, it is pee, poop and toilet paper. Although I am sure the toilet, sewage system, infrastructure and environment would see this as working towards building and maintaining a resilient sewage […]
Soothing the Laps of Guilt in Grief: How many more laps are you going to run?
I like to run. Laps. Around the tracks in a park nearby. And when I am in grief? I also run another type of lap. No, not laps in the swimming pool. Laps of guilt. Yup. We are going THERE today. Are you in? Let’s do this! You may have heard the concept of “waves […]
“Shhh.Don’t wake up the grief”, Said the assumption.
An assumption: “something that you accept as true without question or proof” We all make assumptions. I do. You do. This article is full of them. I’d like to invite you to a reading and reflection exercise to get things started. I have put together some comments below – fictional – but based on true events. As you read them, I invite […]
A loved One is Going Through a Difficult Time. How Can I Support Them and What Do I SAY?
I remember this experience, eons ago, back in University: I was going through a difficult time. A friend was dropping me off at my place after an evening at the movies. Before I got out of the car, I could not hold back anymore and burst into tears letting them know I may be […]
Meet your Coach: Moments of Intimacy from the Heart of a Life Coach
When people ask me what I do for work and I say a “Life Coach”, I often get this assumption that I have found some perfect way of living. Of Being. Whatever that means to them. Well, this is not the case for me (I do not want to speak on behalf of other Life […]
Purposeful Kindness: 11 Acts of Kindness to Help Nurture and Cultivate Positive Emotions and Well-Being.
When we hear about and witness acts of hatred, inequality and cruelty, you can also experience despair and hopelessness. You may feel there is nothing that you can do to ease the suffering of others or fix these problems and that there is no way forward. Then we might shut down and […]
“I should.. You should… They should…..Stop here!
Have “I should” Statements become a Habit? “I should be more….” “I should not have done….” “They should be more….” “You should have……” Stop “shoulding” all over yourself. And others. Is there some thing you feel you “should” have done or “should have not done”? Someone you feel you ‘’should” be? Somewhere you feel you […]
“Oh I wish I didn’t react like that….” : A FREE way to Practice your Emotional Self-regulation Skills
Want to know how to practice your emotional self-regulation for FREE? No, it’s not a workshop or coaching session. A common area of personal development I have clients ask to work on in coaching is emotional self- regulation: The process of effectively managing and responding to an emotional experience. This is an essential EQ component […]
Still don’t know what you want to be when you grow up? Maybe the issue lies in the question! http://‘WHEN I GROW UP’: HOW AN OUTDATED CAREER QUESTION CULTIVATES UNHELPFUL MINDSETS