Before you give up on yourself: A note of inspiration, from a Turtle in Athens!
A note of inspiration, from a Turtle in Athens! I like to write. Behind the scenes. But posting videos? I haven’t really explored that much.
You go to bed tonight. Some magic happens. You wake up tomorrow and 3 things are now. different in your life. Maybe that means that you have let go of anger or forgiven someone, maybe it means you wake up without anxious thoughts, maybe you wake up to a healthy breakfast, exercise routine and body you love, maybe it means that what you perceive as a problem is now resolved, maybe you wake up in a different country, or maybe your are just embracing the present moment just as it is.
What Are These 3 Things? What Do These Changes Mean To You? What Would Your Life Look Like If These Changes Stayed Around? What Would It Feel Like To Live Your Life In This New Way?
How Do You Feel When You Wake Up To This Different State And Place Of Being? Calm? Relieved? Joyous? Or, Maybe You Feel Anxious, Scared, Unsafe And Just Want To Go Back To What You Know.
Could there be another way of feeling, thinking, being? Is there an area in your life that needs some review and editing? Do you ever feel you are living the life you have, not the life you are?
BA, Psychology-UBC
Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Certified Career Development Practitioner with the BC Career Development Association
Certified Employment Strategist, Certified Work-Life Strategist, Certified Career Strategist with the Career Professional of Canada
Certified Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Step 1&2 Practitioner, Certified Strong Interest Inventory Practitioner
Psychometrics Level B Certified
Certified Grief Educator (David Kessler Training)
CBT Life Coach, Transformation Academy
Vancouver Hospice Society Palliate Care Training, VHS
EQ i-2.0 and EQ 360 Certified
Positive Psychology Coaching Certification (currently enrolled!)
A note of inspiration, from a Turtle in Athens! I like to write. Behind the scenes. But posting videos? I haven’t really explored that much.
No, I am not referring to the 3 Ps of what is allowed to be flushed down your toilet (Just in case you don’t know,
I like to run. Laps. Around the tracks in a park nearby. And when I am in grief? I also run another type of
An assumption: “something that you accept as true without question or proof” We all make assumptions. I do. You do. This article is full of them. I’d like to invite you to
I remember this experience, eons ago, back in University: I was going through a difficult time. A friend was dropping me off at my
“Yeah, I tried, it just didn’t work out”. “It’s just not for me so I stopped”. “I’ve never been good at this anyways”. “I tried
Although I have a background in Psychology and Counselling I am not a licensed psychologist, Counsellor or specialist healthcare professional. My services do not replace the care of psychologists or other healthcare professionals. See our disclaimer page for full details.
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