A TWO-Question Approach to Anxious Thoughts
I’m curious. Hands up (or heads up!) if you have found yourself or do find yourself encountering an unsettling or anxiety inducing situation only to spend hours, even days, coming up with a bunch of possible outcomes, predictions and explanations (stories) and then find you that none of these stories materialized as you thought? That’s […]
I was anxious, so I cleaned my toilet: An approach to help you navigate “Fall Transition” related anxiety
This morning I had a sprout of anxiety: Numerous anxious thoughts having a little party in my head, creating fantastic narratives around “what if” scenarios and existential questions like “what am I doing with my life” . It needed to stop and I recognized the spiral in time, and used my go-to strategy. What did […]
An Exercise for Letting Go. Are you Ready?
An Exercise for Letting Go. Are you Ready? “I just can’t get over that they cheated on me 4 years ago. It’s all I see when I look at him.” “My parents were never there for me. Why do you think I am the way I am?” “My brother had it way easier than I […]
Look to the Feline! The “Curious Cat” Technique for Emotional Self-Regulation.
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom” -Viktor E. Frankl Hands up if you have ever experienced a time when, after some reflection, you just did not feel right about how you handled a […]
Are you coping your life away?
Purposeful Kindness: 11 Acts of Kindness to Help Nurture and Cultivate Positive Emotions and Well-Being.
When we hear about and witness acts of hatred, inequality and cruelty, you can also experience despair and hopelessness. You may feel there is nothing that you can do to ease the suffering of others or fix these problems and that there is no way forward. Then we might shut down and […]
Reset your Regret
Reset your Regret: 5 Steps Regret. What I did, didn’t do, said, didn’t say. How long are you going to sit in that for? How long will you let this play in your head, over and over again? Eventually you will create a lovely cycle as you may regret spending all your years […]
Purposeful Kindness
Purposeful Kindness is a fantastic way to nurture and cultivate positive emotions and well-being. Due to restrictions and boundaries set by COVID 19 restrictions, it’s a great time to think a little “outside the box” as previous “acts of kindness” such as holding the door open for someone behind you, may create discomfort and not […]