A note of inspiration, from a Turtle in Athens!
I like to write. Behind the scenes. But posting videos? I haven’t really explored that much. Ok-at all lol.
Not my preferred mode of expression and communication, but open to it!
Why tell you this?
Well, for me to post a video–it’s got to really infiltrate my heart, so here it goes.
Hope you enjoy it.
Background story:
A few weeks ago, I went rather hastily to Athens, Greece, to help out some family.
I was in and out in 6 days.
I did manage to go to one of my favourite spots in Athens called “Mount Lykabettus”-it is a lookout point from the highest point in Athens.
BTW-November is a great time to travel-barely any tourists on the trail!
But guess what was…?
As I was walking up (FYI-quite the hike if you go by foot), I saw……
this HUGE TURTLE making its way up the path!
I watched them from a few meters behind, not to scare them.
I watched it in Awe. Admiration. Respect.
Where are they going?
Where am I going?lol.
This turtle seems to be going up,, step by step, towards the highest point (277 meters in total-which may take them days!) AND they were…..doing it.
I decided to take a video of them with a short blurb (not edited, so excuse me if it is a little jumbled) with some words of encouragement.
Going places?
Keep going.
At your own pace.
Don’t mind others around you.
Just focus on your own goals.
Even if you do not know where exactly you are headed.
It’s ok to take things slow.
Be present.
Enjoy the journey.
You’ll get there.

Thank you to this lovely Turtle!
Ps. I did consider helping them out a bit….but that would be my agenda/goal for the turtle. Perhaps not where they wanted to go.